Thursday, February 26, 2015

GICC's CEO presents a Paper to the Federation of Gujarat Industries (FGI) Delegates visit organized by the kind courteousy of India High Commission of India

#Federation of #Gujarat #Industries (#FGI) Delegates visit to #Tanzania
organized by
#High Commission of #India of Tanzania

B2B discussions were held with various interested parties such as Agro processing Companies, Construction Companies etc., The FGI have lot to offer to Tanzania.

GICC's CEO Ms. Shainul Bhanji seated with the High Commissioner of India His Excellency Mr. Shaw while the FGI's Secretary General Mr. Nilesh Patel addresses the audience. Others on the high table are TCCIA's Chairman Mr. Lukwaro and FGI's President Mr. Patel

Group Photograph with all the Delegates from FGI

The networking event organized by the High Commission of India was a great event that could further boost both the country's bilateral trade relations.
CEO's and Representatives of Gujarat Industries had lot to offer for cost effective and long lasting '#Road construction', #Fertilizers for #Agriculture, #Power Transformers,#Pharmaceutics, #Plastics products and for those involved in construction of #Real Estates sector.

Genuinely interested parties who could have missed this useful event may contact any of the followings:
(1) High Commission of India's office
(2) FGI offices through their Email
(2) TCCIA office in Dar
(3) GICC through Email

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wishing all #office bearers of China-Tanzania Business Council and #Chinese #Investors and #Entrepreneurs in #Tanzania along with their employees a Chinese Happy New Year of Sheep

Photo: Wishing all #office bearers of China-Tanzania Business Council and #Chinese #Investors and #Entrepreneurs in #Tanzania along with their employees a Chinese Happy New Year of Sheep
Wishing all #office bearers of China-Tanzania Business Council and #Chinese #Investors and #Entrepreneurs in #Tanzania along with their employees a Chinese Happy New Year of Sheep
#Global Investors #Consultation Centre

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Congratulations to #Dodoma's new #Regional Commissioner

We Congratulate #Dodoma's New #Regional Commissioner #Honourable Ms. Chiku #Gallawa for her new appointment.
Hon. Ms. Gallawa was #Tanga's Regional Commissioner prior to this post.
Dodoma besides being Tanzania's Capital it has many #Investment #opportunities,
As reported during #UNDP's  Resident Representative's visit last October, the then Regional Commissioner Hon.Ms. #Rehema Nchimbi highlighted key economic activities in Dodoma which includes grapes farming,  groundnuts, sunflower and rice.
Other potential areas for #economic activity such as the upcoming meat processing plant and the gypsum industry.